AECT Research Symposia
"Voices of the Past - Visions of the Future: Learning
and Instructional Technologies for the 21st Century.”
Too often, it seems that the solutions to improving
education lie in the “more or better technology category”. This Symposium acknowledges the importance of
technology; but, only as so far as it enables advanced learning designs,
emerging paradigms and evolving learning interactions.
According to the U.S. Department of Education’s National
Technology Plan “To enable such important and sweeping changes to take place
will require not only a rethinking and realignment of the industrial age
factory model of education, but a rethinking of the tools available to support
such change. Increased access to technology alone, however, will not
fundamentally transform education.” In his introduction to the Visions 2020
Report, Secretary of Education Dr. Rod Paige noted, “….Schools remain unchanged
for the most part despite numerous reforms and increased investments in
computers and networks. The way we organize schools and provide instruction is
essentially the same as it was when our Founding Fathers went to school. Put
another way, we still educate our students based on an agricultural timetable,
in an industrial setting, but tell students they live in a digital age.”
The Symposium’s goal is to complete the vision by
identifying specific, research-based ideas, which rethink learning, reorganize
schools, redirect technology and provide instruction.
The Research Symposium is a planned bi-annual event designed
to draw the best minds together for an intensive intellectual exchange of ideas
on a focused topic that would culminate in the publication of a Symposium
Proceedings and AECT white paper. The
goal of the symposium is to bring a small group of scholars together in a
format that encourages in-depth dialogue and different perspectives on
predefined topics and problems. This format also has a mechanism to coalesce
those different perspectives into a final paper that would be submitted to the
board as an official AECT white paper, which they may chose to promote.
The first research symposium will be held June 22nd
to the 25th at Indiana
, Bloomington
All presenters must register and are expected to attend. The Symposium will be Webcast.
Proposals/presentation abstracts will be accepted, through
electronic submission via the AECT website, until December 1, 2005
All accepted and final papers must be submitted electronically
(to be shared with all the participants) by March 30th 2006
. Each paper author(s) will facilitate a
session that would last approximately sixty minutes. These sessions are intended to be in a
discussion format, with the key paper authors serving as facilitator and
discussion leader as opposed to a formal presentation. There would also be only
two sessions concurrently held, allowing the participants greater opportunity
to engage in dialog with fellow scholars.
Evening meals and ensuing discussions would be by a selected
speaker who is meant to incite, stimulate, or provoke further discussion
addressing issues raised in earlier discussions. The framework for the symposium would follow
a four-day structure, commencing with Thursday evening dinner and seminar, with
full-day Friday and Saturday sessions, and a half-day Sunday. Sunday morning
would be reserved for summation, forming conclusions and key points for the
white paper.
The Symposium will dovetail with the 7th
International Conference of the Learning Sciences also at the same
location. See www.ISLS.org for further
Review Process/Criteria
A total of 30 sessions (est.) will be scheduled. This
selection process be designed to ensure a mix of active participants that is
satisfactory towards addressing the topic to be discussed at the symposium (see
Guidelines; this will not be a completely blind review process as reviewers
will need to know who the authors are and which departments, institutions and
countries they represent). The advisory
committee will review and select proposals. There is no limit within the poster session.
- Relevance
to topic
- Research
- Innovativeness
- Broad
based ideas (interdisciplinary)
- Mentoring
(Inclusion of Junior faculty or Doctoral Candidates in significant role)*
- Strength
of Argument
- Unique
- Discussion
Additional information will be distributed through TechTrends, and ETR&D and available on the AECT website.
Advisory Committee:
Leslie Moller Co-Chair
David Jonassen Co-Chair
Tom Duffy
Rob Foshay
Douglas Harvey
Barbara Lockee
Rita Richey
Charlie Reigeluth
J. Michael Spector
For further information email Leslie Moller at [email protected].
* Junior Faculty is up to 3 years since receiving doctorate.
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