Especially irreverent speculations about the future of educational technology R&D
- Problems are solved by individual interventions
- There are multiple ways to do interventions
- Have we been able to model change in socially mediated .. over time
- All models are wrong, some models are useful - George Box
- - Karl Popper
- All theories are wrong, some theories are useful - with apologies to Popper
- Time not to throw the model aw ay but to introduce new models
- Assumptions toward an alternative framework
- Gagne, Merrill and Reigeluth, - DOminant framework
- Omission - social cultural learning - (Wundt)
- Vygotsky
- Social mediators
- Children and language learning
- Omission - theoretical learning - (scaling up)
- The predominant mental model is a micro theory
- Our units of anaylsis are infentsimal compared to the scope we intend as instructional designers over time
- Individual
- Micro - CBT / Job Aids
- Meso - Classroom / EPSS / Group
- Gloria Gery - EPSS
- Macro - KM Objects / Systems (ic)
- Knowledge as object
- Knowledge that is reusable in another circumstance
- Hoban - Systems
- Social/Cultural
- Barbara Rogoff - Girl Scout cookie study
- Micro
- Apprenticing
- Meso
- Middle theories
- Activity theory
- Macro
- Institutional theory
- Knowledge Management process
- Modeling the way knowledge moves thru a system
- Organizational learning
- Each of these perspectives has scalability issues
- We have assumed all of these scale equally wel
- That is not the case
- Atheoretical practices
- Micro
- Coaching
- Meso
- GE Workout
- Action learning
- Simulation games
- What is the social consequence of the game?
- Macro
- Planning change
- Strategic planning
- Micro
- Mental Models Tzeng & Schwen
- Mental represntation based task analysis
- emphasizes knowledge representation
- analyzes trainers and learners mental representations
- Understands, communicates, and negotiates for the meanings of the best practice
- Integration of patterns of behaviors
- Mental representations based
- Mental represntation based task analysis
- Observations - interviews - identify action patterns - if/then goal propositions
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